We invite you to sign our e-petition on the Surrey County Council website. https://mycouncil.surreycc.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?Id=541 The petition addresses some pressing issues raised by Weybridge residents. The influx of large HGVs through our town has become a major concern for pedestrians, cyclists, bikers and drivers alike. These massive lorries cause disruption as they navigate from Balfour Road into Church Street and cause disturbance day and night to residents in Brooklands Road and Heath Road. They also contribute to the damage of underground gas and water pipes, resulting in roadworks and delays for local residents. It's clear that this issue needs a solution. We're asking Surrey County Council to implement an 18-ton HGV weight limit on Brooklands Road (B374). This action will redirect articulated lorries to use the more suitable advisory route (M25/A3/Byfleet Road) from the M25 to Brooklands, significantly reducing the risks associated with HGVs on Church Street and Heath Road and reducing disturbance to local residents. By supporting our petition, you'll contribute to preventing HGV articulated lorries from accessing local roads ill-suited for their size and weight, without disrupting deliveries by smaller lorries under 18 tons. Your support is crucial in creating safer and more suitable road conditions for our community.