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Who are we?

Weybridge & St. George's Independents is a registered political party which represents Weybridge St. George's Hill Ward.  


We've fielded candidates since the year 2000 and from the beginning have had a very successful track record of having those candidates elected to Elmbridge Borough Council.


Our candidates and councillors are motivated by community spirit and a desire to help shape our town and surroundings for the benefit of everyone.  As local residents our focus is on what is best for our Ward and for Elmbridge.  We are not pressurised by a national political party machine, nor do we have ambitions to progress through the ranks of a large national party, let alone curry favour with the hierarchy above us (there isn't one).  Our councillors are free to make decisions and drive campaigns which are in your best interests

Some of our recent achievements

In addition to the many day to day issues we pick up and assist with, here are some of the initiatives which we have lobbied for and issues we have resolved:


  • In January our campaign for an HGV ban on Brooklands Road  was successful after 1,227 residents signed the Surrey e Petition.  The public consultation process closed at the end of July and we continue to actively follow up with Surrey Highways on progress to ensure prompt implementation

  • Supported residents and worked with water authorities to prevent flooding on the corner of St George’s Ave and Towers Walk.

  • Improvements benefiting families using Brooklands Community Park. This included installation of toilets, an additional children's play area and enlarging the car park

Roads and Safety

  • Worked with Network rail for the addition of the zebra crossing and railings to protect  pedestrians at the Weybridge Station forecourt

  • Construction of pedestrian island in Queen's Road

  • HGV parking restriction in Redhill Road to prevent overnight parking

  • HGV parking restriction in Old Avenue to regulate contractors traffic for St George's Hill and yellow lines in Chaucer Avenue and Spencer Avenue

  • Successfully lobbying Surrey CC to rebuild the retaining wall fronting Brooklands Road at Julian Hill

  • Together with Surrey Councillor Tim Oliver arranged for wooden posts along the grass area fronting Brooklands Road, outside Summers Close, to stop antisocial parking


  • Chairing Weybridge Community Rail.  Overseeing the station waiting room refurbishment, managing the very popular 'books in the waiting room' and installing primary children's artwork. 

  • Installed two new planters outside the station waiting room, which are now full of summer plants.

  • Persuaded Network Rail to open up the access under the rail line, making the Brooklands to Weybridge Accessibility Project possible

Planning & Housing

  • Supported residents opposed to the Shell garage planning application in Brooklands Road by leading a successful Refusal at the Planning Committee.

  • At the Surrey CC planning meeting in February, Peter Harman spoke in opposition to the application by Silvermere Haven Pet Cemetry  for a much larger pet and equine crematorium in Byfleet Road.  The application was refused.

  • Worked with residents and arranged meetings to ensure PA Housing in The Dell off Lock King Road keep to their obligations as a Registered Social Landlord. 


  • Active member of the Weybridge Health Centre PPG (Patient Participation Group) with a current focus on the merge of the two GP practices

  • Supported successful CIL application by  Weybridge Cricket Club which resulted in funding from EBC for a new roof and women's changing room.

  • Organised the hugely successful, family friendly, Brooklands Fun Day

  • Joined regular litter picking sessions with Weybridge Litter Busters

  • Together with Elmbridge Environmental Enforcement team ensured the removal of the unauthorised encampment at the Byfleet end of Seven Hills Road. including the removal of accumulated waste 

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